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WTC in Movies Alphabetical - S

Saint of 9/11 (2006)
Footage from 9/11 at 4-6 minutes, 1 hour 1 minute, 1 hour 9 minutes


The Saint of Fort Washington (1993)
1 hour 17 minutes


Sam the Man (2001)
39 minutes46 minutes1 hour 2 minutes


Samurai Troopers Gaiden (1989)

5 minutes


Santa Claus: The Movie (1985)

48 minutes, 51 minutes, 1 hour 14 minutes


Satan & Adam (2018)

29 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2)


Saturday Night (2024)

1 hour 41 minutes


Saturday Night Fever (1977)
Opening shot1 hour 19 minutes1 hour 23 minutes1 hour 52 minutes


Savage Attack (1987)
11 minutes


Say Yes (1986)

Opening shot


Scarred City (1998)

1 hour 32 minutes


Scent of a Woman (1992)
1 hour 43 minutes, 1 hour 46 minutes


Scorpion with Two Tails (1982)

1 hour 36 minutes


Sea of Love (1989)
Opening shot


Search and Destroy (1995)
43 minutes


Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)
7 minutes


Secret in their Eyes (2015)

6 minutes, 10 minutes, 27 minutes (all on a poster)


The Secret of My Success (1987)
17 minutes, 37 minutes, 39 minutes, twice at 1 hour 6 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2)
(Also on the poster)


Secret of the Andes (1998)

2 minutes, 3 minutes


Secrets (1992)

35 minutes


See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989)
Opening shotsecond shot49 minutes


Seed of Innocence (1980)

27 minutes


Senior Trip (1981)
14 minutes, 41 minutes (also a great video clip), 57 minutes1 hour 1 minute1 hour 22 minutes1 hour 29 minutes1 hour 33 minutes


Sensational Cities: New York (2000)
Documentary about the city of New York, but no discussion about the WTC itself.
16 minutes, 1 hour 7 minutes, 1 hour 9 minutes, 1 hour 14 minutes, 1 hour 28 minutes, 1 hour 30 minutes, several shots at 1 hour 38-39 minutes
(Also on the poster​)


Sensations (1988)

57 minutes


Sentimental Journey (1984)

4 minutes, 33 minutes, 40 minutes


The Sentinel (1977)
14 minutes, 37 minutes, 59 minutes, 1 hour 29 minutes


Serpico (1973)
1 hour 55 minutes


The Seven Five (2014)

Three times at 2 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2, Shot 3)


Severance (1988)

1 hour 11 minutes


Sex and the Other Man (1995)
55 minutes1 hour 14-15 minutes


Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. (1991)
1 hour 9 minutes, 1 hour 17 minutes
(Also on the poster​)


Shades of Gray (1992)
6 minutes, 23 minutes


Shadow of a Doubt (1991)

6 minutes


Shadow Play (1986)

8 minutes


Shaft (2000)
38 minutes


Shaft (2019)

Opening shot


The Shaft (aka Down) (2001)
Opening shot, 44 minutes, 48 minutes, 1 hour 22 minutes, 1 hour 44 minutes


Shafted! (2000)

32 minutes


Shaft's Big Score! (1972)

1 hour 32 minutes


Shakedown (1988)
At 1 hour 29 minutes there is a disturbing scene of a plane going in for an emergency landing, heading straight for the WTC towers. (Shot 1Shot 2)
(Also on the poster​​)


Shampoo Horns (1998)
1 hour 16 minutes


The Shamrock Conspiracy (1995)

1 minute


Shamus (1973)
40 minutes


She-Devil (1989)
56 minutes


Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York (1975)

1 hour 50 minutes


She's Back (1989)

53-54 minutes


She’s Gotta Have it (1986)

1 hour 15 minutes


She's the One (1996)
27 minutes37 minutes


She Was Marked for Murder (1988)

Opening shot


Shirli-myrli (1995)

10 minutes


Shock and Awe (2017)

News footage from 9/11 between 9–11 minutes


Shoeshine (1987) (short)

1 minute


Shooting Range (1979) (short)

1 minute


Short Letter to the Long Goodbye (1978) (aka: Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied)

12 minutes, 13 minutes


Siao Yu (1995)

2 minutes


The Sicilian Connection (aka Afyon oppio) (1972)

55 minutes, 1 hour 1 minute, 1 hour 2 minutes


The Sicilian Connection (aka Pizza Connection) (1985)

8 minutes, 1 hour 49 minutes


Sid and Nancy (1986)
1 hour 45 minutes, 1 hour 46 minutes, 1 hour 47 minutes


Side Streets (1998)
Four times in the opening minute (Shot 1, Shot 2, Shot 3, Shot 4) 4 minutes, twice at 1 hour 4 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2) 1 hour 42 minutes, 1 hour 52 minutes


Sidewalks of New York (2001)
Opening minutes, 4 minutes, 6 minutes, 53 minutes, 57 minutes, 1 hour 32 minutes
(Also on the poster​​)


Sidney Shorr: A Girl's Best Friend (1981)

20 minutes


The Siege (1998)
7 minutes, 11 minutes, 21 minutes, 56 minutes, 1 hour 10 minutes, 1 hour 13 minutes, 1 hour 32 minutes 

(Also on the poster​​)


The Simian Line (2000)

15 minutes


Simply Irresistible (1999)
11 minutes, 49 minutes, 1 hour 1 minute


Sing (1989)

Opening minute


Sista Kontraktet (1998) (aka: The Last Contract)

45 minutes


Sistemo l'America e torno (1974) (aka: I Fix America and Return)

2 minutes


The Sister-in-Law (1974)

1 hour 14 minutes


Sisters (1973)
9 minutes, 46 minutes, 57 minutes, 1 hour 3 minutes


Six Degrees of Separation (1993)
1 hour 42 minutes


Six Weeks (1982)
1 hour 15 minutes


16 acres (2012)
Many shots of the WTC towers in this documentary surrounding how to rebuild on the site after 9/11

Skyline (1983)

5 minutes, 1 hour 4 minutes

(Also on the poster​​)


Slammin Iron: Rebuilding the World (2005)

30 minutes – 37 minutes (9/11 footage)


Slaves of New York (1989)

1 hour 59 minutes
(Also on the poster​​)


Sleepers (1996)

1 hour 18 minutes


Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
Sleepless in Seattle is mainly set in Seattle and Baltimore. But near the end of the movie, the action is centered around the Empire State Building and the WTC towers can be seen several times in the background starting at 1 hour 28 minutes (Shot 1Shot 2Shot 3Shot 4Shot 5)


Sleepwalk (1986)

30 minutes (night and day)


Sleepy Heads (1997)

1 minute, 11 minutes, 13 minutes, 1 hour 16 minutes


The Sleepy Time Gal (2001)
2 minutes


A Slight Case of Murder (1999)
1 hour 26 minutes


Slipstream (2007)

3 minutes


Smell of Flesh (aka La Sbandata) (1974)

Twice in opening minute (Shot 1, Shot 2)


Smoke (1995)
Opening shot


Smokin' Aces 2 (2010)
Twice at 1 hour 21 minutes (during the closing credits) (Shot 1, Shot 2)


Snatch (2000)
5 minutes (in a photo on the wall)


Snowden (2016)

58 minutes 


The Soldier (1982)
1 hour 22 minutes


Someone Else's America (1995)
Opening minute3 minutes, twice at 7 minutes (Shot 1Shot 2), 1 hour 9 minutes1 hour 11 minutes
(Also on the poster​​)


Someone Like You (2001)

20 minutes


Someone to Watch Over Me (1987)
17 minutes, 1 hour 5 minutes, 1 hour 8 minutes


Something In Between (aka: Nesto izmedju) (1982)

2 minutes


Something Short of Paradise (1979)
Opening shot, 9 minutes


Something Wild (1986)
Four times in the opening credits (Shot 1, Shot 2, Shot 3, Shot 4), 3 times between 1 hour 31-32 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2, Shot 3)


Somewhere in the City (1998)
1 hour 17 minutes


The Song Remains the Same (1976)
1 hour 28 minutes, 1 hour 50 minutes, 1 hour 51 minutes, 1 hour 54 minutes


Sorority House Massacre (1986)
11 minutes, 1 hour


Sorry Haters (2007)
39 minutes, 41 minutes

(Also on the German poster​​)


Soup For One (1982)

19 minutes, 54 minutes

(Also on the poster​​)


Sour Grapes (1998)

24 minutes (on a poster)


The Space Between (2010)

News footage at 18 minutes, 19 minutes, 20 minutes, 31 minutes, 41 minutes


Special Bulletin (1983)

5 minutes (This basic shot is repeated throughout the movie)


Spike of Bensonhurst (1988)
39 minutes, 1 hour 20 minutes, 1 hour 24 minutes


Spiderman (2002)
Spiderman was released six months after the towers fell on 9/11. The movie makers did not want to offend victims' families by using the towers. The images were removed from the poster, but the towers can still be seen in the background at 26 minutes, in a reflection in Spiderman's eyes at 55 minutes, and another really quick background shot at 1 hour 55 minutes. Also removed from the movie (but in an early trailer, below) was a scene where Spiderman weaves a web between the towers to catch criminals in a helicopter.


Spider-Man 2 (2004)
42 minutes


Spider-Man Strikes Back (1978)
1 minute


Spider-Man: The Dragon’s Challenge (1979)

40 minutes


Splash (1984)
4 minutes29 minutes30 minutes1 hour 4 minutes1 hour 11 minutes1 hour 12 minutes1 hour 26 minutes


Splash, Too (1988)

First minute, 5 minutes


Splatter University (1984)

Opening shot


Split Decisions (1988)
Opening shot


Spree (2020)

1 minute


Spy Games (1999)

4 minutes


Squadra Antifurto (1976)

1 hour 30 minutes


Squadra Antigangsters (1979) 

First minute


Squadra Antimafia (1978)

24 minutes (including a view through a window on the WTC observation floor), 27 minutes, 55 minutes


The Squeeze (1987)
31 minutes, 57 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour 3 minutes, 1 hour 5 minutes, 1 hour 22 minutes
(Also on the poster​​)


Stag (1997)
During the opening credits


Stairwell: Trapped in the World Trade Center (2002)

22 minutes


The Stand-in (1999)

19 minutes, 46 minutes, 1 hour 36 minutes


Star of Jaipur (1998) (aka Eve of Destruction)

1 minute, 59 minutes, 1 hour 13 minutes


Stardom (2000)
1 hour 5 minutes


Stars and Bars (aka: Un Senorito en Nueva York) (1988)

2 minutes, 1 hour 31 minutes

(Also on the poster​​)

​ (2001)
1 hour 1 minute


State of Grace (1990)
3 minutes, 7 minutes, 42 minutes


The Statue of Liberty (1985)
36 minutes, 56 minutes


Staying Alive (1983)
51 minutes


Stella (1990)
59 minutes


Stepmom (1998)
12 minutes


Sticky Fingers (1988)
2 minutes, 4 minutes


Still Life: The Fine Art of Murder (1990)

1 minute


Stir Crazy (1980)
Opening shot


Stone Cold Dead (1979)
4 minutes, 1 hour 2 minutes


Stone Pillow (1985)

First minute


Stop Making Sense (1984)

48 minutes


The Story Lady (1991)

Opening shot


Story of a Junkie (1987)
1 hour, 1 hour 1 minute, 1 hour 14 minutes, 1 hour 15 minutes


Storytelling (2001)

1 hour 17 minutes


Straight Out of Brooklyn (1991)
22 minutes, 1 hour 11 minutes
(Also on the poster​​)


Strange Invaders (1983)

59 minutes


Strange Relations (2001)

Opening shot, 1 hour 25 minutes


A Stranger Among Us (1992)
Opening shot, 41 minutes


The Strangers in 7A (1972)
Opening shot


Strapped (1993)

6 minutes, 51 minutes


Strays (1997)
Opening shot


Street Fighter 2 (1994)

46 minutes


Street Hunter (1990)
17 minutes, 39 minutes, 48-50 minutes


Street Justice (1987)

12 minutes, 13 minutes, 15 minutes


Street Trash (1987)

2 minutes


Strictly Business (1991)
26 minutes33 minutes1 hour 3 minutes


Strike Force (1975)

42 minutes


Stroszek (1977)

44 minutes


Stuart Little (1999)
Three times between 49-50 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2, Shot 3) 57 minutes


Stuck on You! (1983)

49 minutes


The Stuff (1985)
5 minutes


The Stuff That Dreams are Made Of (aka: Der Stoff aus dem die Träume sind) (1972)

1 hour 48 minutes, 1 hour 50 minutes


The Substitute 2: School's Out (1998)
Twice at 2 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2) 35 minutes, 40 minutes, 1 hour 12 minutes


The Suburbans (1999)
54 minutes


Subway Riders (1981)

1 hour 49 minutes, 1 hour 54 minutes


SUBWAYStories: Tales from the Underground (1997)

31 minutes


Sudden Death (1985)

3 minutes, 1 hour 24 minutes


Sugar Hill (1994)
1 hour 35 minutes


The Suitors (1988)

13 minutes


Suits (1999)

3 minutes


Summertime Killer (1972)
6 minutes


Sundae in New York (1983) (short)

Opening shot


Sunday (1997)
Twice in the first minute (Shot 1, Shot 2), 1 hour 1 minute, 1 hour 8 minutes


Sunset Park (1996)

Opening minute


The Sunshine Boys (1995)
1 hour 29 minutes
(Also on the poster​​)


Sunshine Hotel (2001)

56 minutes, 58 minutes


Superfly (1972)

1 hour 25 minutes


Supergirl (1984)
17 minutes
(Also on the poster​​)


Superguy: Behind the Cape (2000)

First minute, 16 minutes


Superman: The Movie (1978)
56 minutes, 1 hour 4 minutes, 1 hour 13 minutes, 1 hour 14 minutes, 1 hour 27 minutes, 1 hour 31 minutes


Superman II (1980)
5 minutes1 hour 34 minutes1 hour 54 minutes
(Also on the poster​​)


Superman III (1983)
1 hour 33 minutes


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)
12 minutes, 27 minutes, 28 minutes, 44 minutes, 52 minutes, 58 minutes, 1 hour 2 minutes, 1 hour 3 minutes


Supersonic Man (1979)

13 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour 7 minutes


Super Mario Brothers (1993)
4 minutes, 6 minutes, 13 minutes, 17 minutes, 1 hour 30 minutes


The Super Ninja (1984)

29 minutes


Surviving 9/11 (2021)

Stock images, recreations, news footage from 9/11 throughout


Survivor (2015)

12 minutes


The Survivors (1983)
Opening Shot


Switch (1991)
4 minutes, 7 minutes, 1 hour 26 minutes, 1 hour 29 minutes


Sylvie (1973)

34 minutes, 44 minutes

(Also a video clip shot from a helicopter)

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