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WTC in Movies Alphabetical - D

Da Hip Hop Witch (2000)

Twice at 4 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2)

Dance Goddess (1987)

First minute, 8 minutes

The Dancer (2000)
1 minute

Danger Zone (1996)

13 minutes

Dangerous Pursuit (1990)

Opening shot

David Searching (1997)
1 minute, 1 hour 9 minutes

A Day in Black and White (1999)

35 minutes36 minutes

The Day the Ponies Come Back (2000)

1 hour 13 minutes, 1hour 22 minutes

The Day the Women Got Even (1980)

Twice in first minute (Shot 1, Shot 2)

Daybreak (1993)
28 minutes, 50 minutes, 56 minutes

Daylight (1996)
10 minutes, 1 hour 45 minutes, 1 hour 46 minutes, 1 hour 47 minutes

The Daytrippers (1996)
1 hour 3 minutes
(The WTC towers are also on the poster.)

DC 9/11: Time of Crisis (2003)
3-4 minutes, 9-12 minutes, 17 minutes (all news footage from 9/11/2001)
(The WTC towers are also on the poster.)

Dead and Alive: The Race for Gus Farace (1991) (aka: Mob Justice)

15 minutes

Dead Boys Can’t Fly (1992)

25 minutes

Dead Ringer (1982)

First minute

Deadly Illusion (1987)

Twice at 53 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2)

Deadly Obsession (1988)

1 hour 18 minutes (on a poster)

Dear John (2010)
46 minutes (Two shots of news footage from 9/11/01 - Shot 1, Shot 2)

Dear Mr. Wonderful (1982)

1 minute, 48 minutes, 53 minutes, 1 hour 32 minutes

Death by Design (1997)
30 minutes

Death Promise (1977)

Opening minute, 1 hour 24 - 31 minutes

Death Rage (1976)

9 minutes, 10 minutes, 11 minutes, 12 minutes, 36 minutes, 1 hour 32 minutes

Death to Smoochy (2002)
51 minutes

Death Wish (1974)
5 minutes (in a model of Manhattan), 1 hour 9 minutes

Death Wish 3 (1985)
2 minutes

Deceived (1991)
42 minutes, 1 hour 4 minutes

Deep Impact (1998)
1 hour 44 minutes

Def By Temptation (1990)

Opening shot, 12 minutes, 44 minutes (All basically the same shot)

Defiance (1980)
34 minutes, 55 minutes, twice at 56 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2)

Definitely, Maybe (2008)
11 minutes

Delirious (1991)
Opening shot

Delivering Milo (2001)
The opening shot42 minutes45 minutes

Delivery Boys (1985)

18 minutes, 19 minutes, 55 minutes, 56 minutes, 1 hour 27 minutes

(Also on the poster)

Demolition (2015)

8 minutes (on a poster)

Desperately Seeking Roger (1991)

2 minutes, 20 minutes, 21 minutes (from the observation deck), 39 minutes, 42 minutes

Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)

8 minutes

Detective School Dropouts (1986)

First minute

Detonator (1993)

40 minutes

The Devil and Daniel Johnston (2005)
53 minutes

The Devil's Advocate (1997)
18 minutes

Devil's Express (1976)

21 minutes, 1 hour 22 minutes (during the closing credits)

The Devil's Own (1997)
15 minutes

Devlin (1992)

Twice at 4 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2)

The Diamond Trap (1988)

1 minute

Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
33 minutes, 47 minutes, 52 minutes

Digimon: The Movie (2000)

1 minute

Dinner at Eight (1989)

39 minutes

Dinner Rush (2000)
8 minutes 15 minutes

Disappearing Acts (2000)
Three times in the first minute (Shot 1, Shot 2, Shot 3)

Disco Beaver from Outer Space (1979)

1 minute, 2 minutes

A Diva's Christmas Carol (2000)
15 minutes

Diverted (2009)
Opening minute (on a bus billboard), 13 minutes (news footage)

A Doctor's Story (1984)

1 hour 13 minutes, 1 hour 17 minutes (and the same shot in the closing credits)

Document 'R' (1985)

1 hour 49 minutes

Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
2 minutes

Dog's Best Friend (aka: Everyone’s Talking) (1997)

Opening shot

The Dogs of War (1980)
11 minutes

Dollar (1993)

18 minutes, 19 minutes, 33 minutes, 34 minutes, 1 hour 18 minutes, 1 hour 19 minutes

Dolores Claiborne (1995)
3 minutes

Donnie Brasco (1997)
30 minutes1 hour 43 minutes

The Don’s Analyst (1997)

First minute

Don't Let Me Drown (2009)
9 minutes (news footage)

Don’t Play the Fool (aka: Ne valyay duraka) (1997)

First minute, twice at 1 minute (Shot 1, Shot 2), twice at 1 hour 17 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2), 1 hour 18 minutes

Don't Say a Word (2001)
1 hour 26 minutes, 1 hour 28 minutes (Both times the WTC is far in the distance. This movie was actually released a couple weeks after 9/11, but you would probably miss the WTC if you weren't looking for it.)

Dorcol-Manhattan (2000)

Twice at 1 hour 5 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2)

Double Parked (2000)
15 minutes

Double Platinum (1999)
53 minutes58 minutes1 hour 2 minutes and 1 hour 12 minutes
lso on the poster)

Double Take (2001)
2 minutes

Doubletake (1985)

3 minutes, 1 hour

Down to You (2000)
29 minutes
(Also on the poster)

Downtown 81 (1981)
43 minutes

Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde (1996)

1 minute, 7 minutes, 25 minutes, 36 minutes, 1 hour 3 minutes, 1 hour 7 minutes

Dream House (1981)

15 minutes

Dreams Don't Die (1982)

1 hour 33 minutes

The Dream Team (1989)
26 minutes (Billy claims to have been a consultant when they were built and it was his idea for two towers, not just one.)

Dreamscape (1984)

Opening shot

Dressed to Kill (1980)
23 minutes. The restaurant scene beginning at 1 hour 30 minutes was filmed at Windows on the World, the restaurant near the top of the north tower. Visible out the window is the south tower.

Drowning on Dry Land (1999)

2 minutes, 3 minutes

Dudes (1987)
Opening minute

Dust (2001)

Opening minute, 35 minutes, 39 minutes

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