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WTC in Movies Alphabetical - E

Easier Said (1999)

9 minutes, 1 hour 27 minutes


Eat and Run (1986)
4 minutes
(Also on the poster)


Eaten Alive (1980)
10 minutes, 46 minutes


Earthquake in New York (1998)

Twice at 7 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2), 24 minutes, 54 minutes, 1 hour 30 minutes


Echelon 8 (2009)

28 minutes


Eddie (1996)
4 minutes, 5 minutes, 34 minutes, 1 hour 8 minutes


Ed’s Next Move (1996)

3 minutes


Election (1999)
1 hour 34 minutes


Emanon (1987)

4 minutes, 7 minutes


Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals (1977)
Opening shot, twice at 1 minute (Shot 1, Shot 2), 14 minutes, 15 minutes


Emanuelle Around the World (1977)
1 hour 23 minutes, 1 hour 25-26 minutes (nudity), 1 hour 30 minutes, 1 hour 32 minutes


Emanuelle in America (1976)
1 minute


Empire (2002)
16 minutes, 21 minutes, 28 minutes, 1 hour 14 minutes


Empire City (1985)

2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, twice at 6 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2), 45 minutes, 56 minutes, twice at 1 hour 5 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2), 1 hour 10 minutes, 5 times at 1 hour 15 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2, Shot 3, Shot 4, Shot 5), twice at 1 hour 16 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2), 1 hour 27 minutes


En Busca de un Muro (1974) (aka: Looking For a Wall)

58 minutes


End of Days (1999)
8 minutes, 12 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour 9 minutes


End of the Century (2003)
18 minutes


Enemy Territory (1987)

One minute

(Also on the poster)


Enormous Changes at the Last Minute (1983)

First minute, 1 hour 36 minutes


Entrapment (1999)
Opening shot


Entropy (1999)
31 minutes- 32 minutes


Eraser (1996)
36 minutes


Escape From New York (1981)
This movie takes place in 1997, when the island of Manhattan is a prison. Snake Plissken lands a glider on top of the World Trade Center to rescue the President. The towers are seen at 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 11 minutes, 25-27 minutes (landing on the roof), 1 hour 3 minutes, 1 hour 19 minutes. Also on the poster


Escape From the Bronx (1983)

Twice at 48 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2)


Even Angels Eat Beans (1973)

2 minutes


Everything's Jake (2000)

35 minutes, 55 minutes, 1 hour


Evidence of Blood (1998)

4 minutes


Exiled (1998)

Opening shot, first minute, 7 minutes, 59 minutes, 1 hour 7 minutes


Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)
59 minutes


The Experts (1989)
7 minutes


Exposed (1983)
30 minutes, 32 minutes


The Exterminator (1980)
7 minutes, 1 hour 34 minutes, three shots during the end credits.

(Also on the French poster)


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)
45 minutes (on a mural), 51 minutes (news footage), 52 minutes, 1 hour 42 minutes (news footage), 2 hours (paper model)


An Eye for an Eye (2016)

2 minutes, twice at 22 minutes (Shot 1, Shot 2), 24 minutes, 29 minutes, 49 minutes

(Also on the poster)


Eye of the Beholder (1999)
22 minutes


Eyes of Laura Mars (1978)
54 minutes


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